Thursday, March 1, 2018

March 2, 2018 Jack, Elise, Julie, Lori, Kate, and Debbie will meet at the Cuban Restaurant, Cortaditos Cuban Cafe, on Meeting Street. The book for this meeting is Power by Naomi Alderman

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

We've been meeting for 4 or 5 years now, mostly the same six or seven loyal friends. Forgive the few and far between my posts. Not much to tell, just a nice long list of books that we've read.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Reading List Updated

Take a look at the Books We've Read. 54 titles in total. Of those, my favorites are: The Quiet American, Fingersmith, The Help, Let the Great world spin, Cutting for stone, Sisters Brothers, People of the book, The Secret History, The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, Maya's Notebook, Orphan Master's Son, The Lost city of Z, The Signature of all things (I think this is my favorite)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Fall semester 2014

Well..............I'm sorry you haven't been revited by my newest news of the book group. But, you know, we are faculty and therefore NOT here in the summer. Reading the last two big fat books has been a burden for me. I'm such a slow reader so I thought this must be the reason I didn't love the books. Ah, not true, because I love Gone with the Wind! The last book, The Luminaries, brought such questions that most of use just gave up trying to put all the pieces together. Only a couple of people took the intellectual challenge. Cheers to them. We had a great meeting November 14 at the Park Cafe, talking about Elizabeth Gilbert's The Signature of All Things.

Friday, February 14, 2014

DeSano Pizza Bakery

Our meeting at the new local pizza place, DeSano Pizza Bakery, went very well. The space is somewhat like a wharehouse, but it's quiet enough for our meeting. The pizza is good and wine too. I suppose we'll continue to meet there, at least for this semester. We talked about books we read over the holidays. Tanya read and liked very much Empty Mansions. I can't remember the other books we discussed.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Setember 6, 2013. I'm enjoying the Orphan Master's Son which begins in North Korea. A glimpse into this oppressive culture where people have no control over their lives. In one passage, a sailor recounts a horrifying tale of a giant squid, put stops abrutly as a panic came over them. It is unlawful to talk about anything that inspires passion that is not directed to their totalitarian LEADER. This has to be the epitomy of oppression. Other horrors are revealed, such as prisoners being sent to an underground tunnel, never allowed to exit.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

September's book was Stephen King's 11/22/63 October's book was The Secret History by Donna Tartt