Friday, December 17, 2010

Fast forward to the end of 2010

I missed the meeting in December at which the talk was about THE ELEGANCE OF A HEDGEHOG. Don't know how it was enjoyed. I'm still reading it, and won't know 'til the end if I like it or not. It's not what you call... rivetting. But the protagonists do bring up more than several interesting topics for discussion. So, on to 2011. We'll be reading THE IMMORTAL LIFE OF HENRIETTA LACKS, by Rebecca Skloot. Amazon has 400 reviews already!

Monday, May 24, 2010

May Meeting

Oops, April went so quickly, I didn't get a post in about that meeting, but, nevermind. In May we all agreed, with wonder and amazement, about the The Book Thief. Most interesting was the identity of the narrator. We talked a lot about WWII, not only because it is the setting, but also because at the scene was our political science prof, and history prof, interested and knowledgable about this time in our pitiful history. So...... what have you to say? FYI> Two margaritas might be too much.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

March Meeting

Was anyone at Taco Boy on the 26th? I wasn't there, but spoke with a couple of people about the book. Between the three of us, no one finished The Land of Green Plumbs, because we found it either too depressing or difficult to follow.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

February Meeting

Well, it's already March 17, so...... I'm not remembering much about that meeting. We loved The Help...haven't talked to anyone who didn't enjoy it very much. Wonder how we'll feel about The Land of Green Plumbs.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January meeting

Everyone agrees that Wolf Hall is a difficult book to read. One person finished it (with difficulty), one was still reading it, and others just stopped after 50 or 100 pages. We all had an interest in the time period, so our discussion was quite lively. The book we're reading for February is The Help. An easy read, one that's hard to put down. Our challenge now is to find a new time to meet. With graduate classes beginning at 4:00 on Monday, Tuesdays and Thursdays, that leaves Wednesday, which doesn't work for Jack, and Friday. Friday seems to be the only free day. I like it! So does Jane. :-)