Monday, August 15, 2011

May 6

At this meeting we came up with a list of possible titles. “Tiger’s wife“ by Tea Obrht "When the killing was done" by T.C. Boil “War at the end of the world” by Mario Vargas Llosa

April 1

Ella Minnow Pea was an odd little book, I thought. Set on an island off the coast of South Carolina, the marque in the town square with a quote by a local poet/famous man, kept loosing letters. One day a letter dropped off, and from that day on, the residents of the island were forbidden to use that letter in speaking and writing. On and on it went as letters continued to drop off. I found it silly and annoying, but others found it fascinating that someone could write such a cleaver book, using fewer and fewer letters as the novel went on. See for yourselves. Suite Frances is a novel about the German occupation in a small town in France. It provided an interesting perspective on the German occupying forces.